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Damage Prevention

DBYD Damage Prevention Training

Welcome to the Dial Before You Dig(WA) Online Damage Prevention Awareness Training for anyone working near infrastructure networks and assets.

This training is for organisations that work around, or otherwise have an interest in, services and infrastructure, such as power, water, gas and telecommunications.

It is essential that people working near these infrastructure networks and assets are aware of how to work safely around them without causing damage or harm to themselves, the networks, the environment and the community.

Damage to infrastructure networks and assets can have serious and expensive consequences –for the people who cause the damage, as well as to businesses, the community and others.

The purpose of this online training is to raise awareness and encourage positive planning and work behaviors among workers. Many people working near infrastructure networks and assets are often not sufficiently aware of either the risks or their responsibilities.

Length: 130 minutes Language: English

  • Module 1 - Plan
  • Quiz 1
  • Module 2- Prepare
  • Quiz 2
  • Module 3 - Pothole
  • Quiz 3
  • Module 4 - Protect
  • Quiz 4
  • Module 5 - Proceed
  • Quiz 5
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years